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Book Reviews
If you would like to send a book for review, contact Prices, where given, are the RRP and for guidance only. Book reviews are listed alphabetically according to author or title, as appopriate.
- Max Reger and Karl Straube
Perspectives on an Organ Performing Tradition
by Christopher Anderson. Ashgate, ISBN 0-7546-3075-7 - Anonimi Toscani (18th century) Sonate per Organo Volumes III-IV
Editor: Jolando Scarpa. Publisher: Edition Walhall EW985 and EW989
- William Herschel (1735-1822): Full Organ Pieces (second set) (Manuals)
edited by David Baker and Christopher Bagot Fitzjohn Music Publications - The Organ
by David Baker. Shire Publications, ISBN 0-7478-0560-1 - El órgano de Santa Marina la Real de Léon y la familia de Echavarría, organeros del Rey
by José Maria Barrero Baladrón and Gerard A C De Graaf. Universidad de León, Secretariado de Publicaciones - August Gern and the Frant Church Organ: A History
by Paul Barber. Available from the author, The Coach House, Lime Close, Frant, Sussex, TN3 9DP - Elizabeth Stirling and the Musical Life of Female Organists in Nineteenth-Century England
by Judith Barger. ISBN 978-0-7546-5129-1 - Max Reger and Historicist Modernisms
by Antonius Bittmann. Verlag Valentin Koerner - The Amazing Pipe Organ
by Barbara Brodbeck, illustrated by Andrew Dittmar. Fairway Press, ISBN 0-7880-1652-0 - Six centuries of Organ building in Devon
by Nigel Brown. Published by At the sign of the Pipe. - Percy Buck: Marche Militaire (edited by David Patrick)
Fitzjohn Music Publications
- The Camphuysen Manuscript
Edited by Pieter van Dijk and Frank van Wijk
Published by Ut Orpheus ECHOM2 - Clementi’s Selection of Practical Harmony vol 1
Muzio Clementi: Edited by Andrea Coen
Published by Ut Orpheus MC52.1 - The Complete Organ Volumes 1 to 6
David Baker writes "This is an outstanding series that deserves high praise. I hope to see many more volumes being published soon". Pendragon Press have published the following volumes so far:- Volume 1: Playing the Organ Works of César Franck
by Rollin Smith. ISBN 0-945193-79-3 - Volume 2: Joseph Jongen and his Organ Music
by John Scott Whiteley. ISBN 0-945193-82-3 - Volume 3: Louis Vierne: Organist of Notre Dame Cathedral
by Rollin Smith. Pendragon Press, ISBN 1-57647-004-0 - Volume 4: The Organ Works of Marcel Dupré
by Graham Steed. Pendragon Press, ISBN 1-57647-007-5 - Volume 5: Albert Schweitzer as I knew him
by Edouard Nies-Berger. Pendragon Press, ISBN 1-57647-039-3 - Volume 6: Towards an Authentic Interpretation of the Organ Works of Cesar Franck
by Rollin Smith. Pendragon Press (2nd edition), ISBN 1-57647-076-8
- Volume 1: Playing the Organ Works of César Franck
- Composing Music for Worship
by Stephen Darlington and Alan Kreider. Canterbury Press, ISBN 1-85311-524-X - Music Therapy
by Rachel Darnley-Smith and Helen M. Patey. Sage, ISBN 0-7619-5777-4
- English Eighteenth-Century Concertos: an Inventory and Thematic Catalogues
by Owain Tudor Edward. Pendragon Press, ISBN 1-57647-098-9 - The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Edited by W P Edwards. Universe, ISBN 0-7893-1201-8 - Aristide Cavaillé-Coll - a Compendium of Known Stop Lists
by Jesse Eschbach. Paderborn: Verlag Peter Ewers, ISBN 3-928243-05-5
- Ibbs and Tillett : the Rise and Fall of a Musical Empire
by Christopher Fifield. Ashgate, ISBN 1-84014-290-1 - Masterclass: Practical Help for Organists and Pianists
by Roger Fisher. Animus - Hearts to Heaven and Tempers Raise
by Reginald Frary. Canterbury Press, ISBN 1-85311-666-1 - Maurice Duruflé: the Man and his Music
by James E Frazier. University of Rochester Press, ISBN 978-1-58046-227-3 - The Nordic-Baltic Organ Book: History and Culture
by Anna Frisk, Sverker Jullander and Andrew McCrea. GOArt Publications.
- A Country Cathedral Organist Looks Back
by David Gedge. Serendipity, ISBN 1-84394-168-6 - More from a Country Cathedral Organist
by David Gedge. Gomer, ISBN 978-0-95585-960-1 - GOArt Organ Documentation Reports 1-2
by various authors. GOArt Publications. - GOArt Research Reports
by various authors. GOArt Publications. - The Organ in France
by Wallace Goodrich. Wayne Leopold Editions, ISBN 978-1-881162-18-6 - Léonce de Saint-Martin à Notre-Dame de Paris
by Jean Guérard. Paris: Les Editions de l'Officine, ISBN 2-915680-08-6
- The Organs of Southwell Minster
by Paul Hale. Available from The Minster Shop, Southwell, Notts, NG25 0HD. ISBN 978-0-9552580-9-1 - Star Organs of Britain 2006
photographed by Andrew Hayden. Available from the author - Star Organs of Britain 2007
photographed by Andrew Hayden. Available from the author - Star Organs of Britain 2008
photographed by Andrew Hayden. Available from the author - Pipe Organs Past & Present: St Mary & St Nicholas Church, Leatherhead
by Linda Heath. - 'To Fill, Forbear, or Adorne': the Organ Accompaniment of Restoration Sacred Music
edited by Rebecca Herissone. - Samuel Sebastian Wesley: A Life
by Peter Horton. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-826146-8 - Jumping to Conclusions: The Falling-Third Cadences in Chant, Polyphyony and Recitative
by Richard Hudson. Ashgate - The Schulze Dynasty: Organ Builders 1688-1880
by Bryan Hughes. Musical Opinion, ISBN 0-9544074-1-5 - The House of Brindley Organ builders of Sheffield 1845-1939
by Bryan Hughes. Musical Opinion
- The English Bach Awakening: Knowledge of J.S. Bach and his Music in England, 1750-1830
edited by Michael Kassler. Ashgate, ISBN 1-84014-666-4 - Handel, the Man and his Music
by Jonathan Keates. Bodley Head, ISBN 9780224082020 - Singing in English (High Voice)
by Mary King. ISMN: M060117619;ISBN: 978-0-85162-542-3
- Oxford Dictionary of Musical Terms
by Alison Latham. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-860698-2 - L'Oeuvre d'Orgue d'Olivier Messiaen - Oeuvres d'avant Guerre
by Olivier Latry and Loïc Mallié. Carus-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-89948-106-8 (3-89948-106-2) - Reminiscence and Recollection: Watkins Shaw, 1911-1996
by Richard Lyne.
- Orgues en Belgique, Pays-Bas et Allemagne
by Éric Mairlot. L'Orgue Francophone. ISSN 0985-3642 - Martin Šaško and his school of organbuilders
by Marian Alojz Mayer - Cecilia McDowall: Rise heart; they lord is risen
SSATB (unacc.) Oxford University Press ISBN 078-O-19-352269-4 - Méthodes & Traités: Série 1 - France, 1600-1800
edited by Jean Saint-Arroman and Jean-Christophe Tosi. Editions Fuzeau
- The Organist's Dictionary of Real Meanings; Horatio Netherwallop
Organist Publications Ltd, PO Box 538, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 9EY. ISBN 978-0-9550749-1-2 - The Box of Whistles: the History and Recent Development of Organ Case Design
by John Norman. Azure, ISBN 978-1-9026-9431-3
- The Organ Music of Johannes Brahms
by Barbara Owen. Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-531107-5
- Seven Voluntaries – Charles Avison junior
(edited by Simon Fleming and David Patrick)
Twelve Short Preludes on Old English Psalm Tunes – William Thomas Best
(edited by David Patrick).
- Toccata on Victimae Paschali Laudes
by Iain Quinn. GIA Publications G-7414
- The Percy Whitlock Companion
edited by Malcolm Riley. ISBN 978-0-9555669-0-5 - The Word Revealed: A festival service to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible
Royal School of Church Music RS40; ISBN 978-0-85402-184-0 - A Supplement to Historic Organs of New South Wales, the Instruments, their Makers and Players, 1791-1940
by Graeme D Rushworth. ISBN 0-9588448-1-X
- Christian Flor. Todes-Gedancken auff meinen lieben Gott, und andere Clavierwerke
Editors: Arndt Schnoor and Jörg Jacobi, Published by Edition Baroque eba4052. - Three Books
Godwin Sadoh - Percy Whitlock, Organist and Composer: a biographical study
by William Sessions. Ebor Press, 2003 (2nd edition) - The Organs and Organists of Hereford Cathedral
by Watkins Shaw and Roy Massey. Hereford Cathedral Organ Committee, ISBN 0-90464-216-X - Olivier Messiaen's System of Signs: Notes Towards Understanding his Music
by Andrew Shenton. Ashgate, ISBN 978-0-7546-6168-9 - Sing God's Glory: Hymns for Sundays and Holy Days Years A, B & C
edited by Alan Luff, et al. Canterbury Press - Saint-Saëns and the Organ
by Rollin Smith. Pendragon Press, ISBN 0-945193-14-9 - Stokowski and the Organ
by Rollin Smith. Pendragon Press, ISBN 1-57647-103-9 - Dieterich Buxtehude: Organist in Lübeck
by Kerala J Snyder. ISBN 978-1-58046-23-2 - Joel Speelstra: Bach and the Pedal Clavichord: An Organist's Guide; with a foreword by Hans Davidsson
University of Rochester Press, 2004. (Eastman Studies in Music; 26). ISBN 1-58046-135-2; ISSN 1071-9989 - The North German Organ Research project at Göteborg University
edited by Joel Speerstra. GOArt Publications. - Is That the Right Tune?
by Brian Spinney. - The Digital Musician: an Introduction to MIDI, Digital Instruments and Beyond
by Geoffrey Stanton. - The Straube Code: Deciphering the Metronome Marks in Max Reger's Organ Music
by Henrico Stewen. Sibelius Academy, Church Music Department, ISBN 978-952-5531-38-1; ISSN 0787-7838 - Alan Luff (Editor): Strengthen for Service: 100 Years of the English Hymnal 1906-2006
English Hymnal Company and The Canterbury Press, ISBN 1-85311-662-9 - Sunday by Sunday: Music for the Second Service Lectionary
compiled by Anne Harrison, John Henderson, Peter Moger and David Ogden. RSCM/Canterbury, ISBN 978-1-85311-840-1
- With Rare Diligence and Accuracy
The Organ Building of Peter Adolph Albrechtsen in the Context of Nineteenth-Century Danish/Norwegian Culture.
by Hans Jacob Hoyem Tronshaug. GOArt Publications.
U, V
- This Heaving Ocean of Tones
Nineteenth-Century Organ Registration Practice at St Marien, Lübeck
by Joachim Walter. GOArt Publications. - The Organs of Gloucestershire
by Roy Williamson. Published by the Author at 17, Blenheim Court, Winchcombe, GL54 5PW - Full with Wills: My Life in Music - a Memoir
Arthur Wills. ISBN 1-905203-89-6 - C'est La Folie
by Michael Wright. ISBN 05930 54695