The Organ

The Nordic-Baltic Organ Book: History and Culture

Anna Frisk, Sverker Jullander and Andrew McCrea
GOArt Publications

This is a wonderful book - well worth having on the coffee table as well as the book shelf of any interested organist or organ research. It is brilliantly produced and edited, and one can sit for hours looking at the excellent photographs of Nordic-Baltic organs or reading their histories and looking at the specifications. The book is arranged chronologically and lists and describes some fabulous instruments - many of which have only come into prominence in recent years. As well as local organ builders, many of the 'greats' are also represented here.

My own favourite has to be the vast organ in Riga Cathedral, which for a time was the largest in instrument in the world. But there are many other gems from all periods and styles - the only problem is that one wants to go and visit them all immediately having read this book! It has clearly been a labour of love for the compilers and they have lavished all their skill on a scholarly yet highly entertaining and readable tome. Very highly recommended indeed.

David Baker