The Organ

Sunday by Sunday: Music for the Second Service Lectionary

Anne Harrison, John Henderson, Peter Moger and David Ogden: Sunday by Sunday: Music for the Second Service Lectionary
RSCM/Canterbury Press
ISBN 978-1-85311-840-1

This extremely useful book is based on the Royal School of Church Music’s quarterly planner started in 1997 to help people choose music for services both within the Church of England and more widely. The work is based on the three-year cycle of readings provided by the Common Worship principal service lectionary. An enormous amount of work has gone into the present reference work, clearly and comprehensively laid out. Each entry gives possible hymns and songs, children’s songs, bible readings, psalms, a wide selection of possible anthems and pre- and post-service organ music, all with bibliographical sources. There is a supplementary list of organ music for particular festivals. Sunday by Sunday is a bargain for £25 and the publishers and compilers are to be congratulated on such a first rate reference work. It should be on the shelves of all involved in preparing music and service lists for our churches.