The Organ

The Organist’s Dictionary of Real Meanings; Horatio Netherwallop

The Organist’s Dictionary of Real Meanings; Horatio Netherwallop
Organist Publications Ltd, PO Box 538, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 9EY. ISBN – 978-0-9550749-1-2

This is a very funny little book; one to dip into and read from at parties. While preparing this review I kept the book on my bedside table and was heard to chortle each evening at the very wicked, tongue in cheek definitions it contains. I also enjoyed all the information on the inside book cover from ‘saucepan lid publishing’, through to the very amusing passage about the author. I will put in some examples of the humorous entries, but am finding it hard to decide which ones as they are all so witty and very clever.

‘Great organ’: What the congregation should say more often

‘Quickstep’: When the organist hears that the vicar is looking for him

‘SATB’: Sack All The Basses

This is an excellent little book, very reasonably priced