The Organ

With Rare Diligence and Accuracy

The Organ Building of Peter Adolph Albrechtsen in the Context of Nineteenth-Century Danish/Norwegian Culture.
Hans Jacob Hoyem Tronshaug
GOArt Publications.

Albrechtsen was a Danish organ builder trained by Marcussen who worked in Norway in the nineteenth century. His life and work are the main topics of this study, with special reference to the organ project in the New Church in Bergen. This latter aspect of the book allows the author to demonstrate much about organ building projects in historical context. The work is based on a rich seam of primary source material, and includes a CD containing detailed technical information and archival material relating to the builder's instruments. This is a fascinating and detailed study which sheds much on both builder and organ-building traditions of the period. The technical material may be somewhat dense at times, but the book repays the time to read it properly and will add much to our understanding of romantic organ traditions.

David Baker