The Organ

Data Protection and Privacy Statement

Musical Opinion Ltd has created this privacy statement for the web site of The Organ in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy, and inform you precisely what information we do and do not gather.

This site contains links to other sites. The Organ is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such websites. All external links open in a new window to indicate that they are not part of this site. Searches using the Google Sitesearch facility are provided by Google, and we are not responsible for search results outside of Adverts on the search results page are provided by Google.

Our web server provides us with the ability to analyse traffic to our website. This allows us to gain an idea of what is popular with our visitors, and what they are looking for. We have taken this information into account when editing and adding new pages to our website, such as the Frequently Asked Questions page. Specifically, we can obtain the following data:

We do not gather any other personal data - we do not use cookies or other forms of identification, so we cannot, for example, find out who used a particular search term, or precisely who visits each page.

We use the data listed above to guide us as to what people want to see on our web site. The search terms are particularly useful in this respect. Data on which pages are most popular lets us concentrate our effort where it is most useful, and overall traffic data is useful for selling advertising. Incidentally, we will only advertise relevant products on this web site - you will never find adverts for diet pills or wireless cameras! Nor will advertising ever get in the way of our free content. Knowing what web browser our visitors use helps us use the features of recent browsers without leaving out people who use older browsers. Our site is carefully designed to be useable, if not perfect, in every web browser ever produced. We occasionally test it in Lynx (a text-only browser) to make sure it works for visually impaired people using a braille or audio reader. The personal preference of the Web Editor is for Mozilla-based browsers.

Our site offers the opportunity to contact The Organ and Musical Opinion Ltd. by telephone, fax and post. Contact information is used to fulfil orders, and may be used to send promotional material from Musical Opinion Ltd. to our customers, although this is not currently done and is unlikely to happen in the future. Contact information provided by website visitors may also used to contact them in response to their queries or comments. Users may opt out of receiving future mailings, or modify information previously submitted, by simply contacting us. We will never pass your details on to anyone else without your specific permission.

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with us, you are very welcome to contact us.