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Diary of Events & Performances
Venues with weekly lunchtime concerts are listed in the Diary.
View concerts in:
February 2019 | March 2019 | April 2019
We recommend checking with venues before travelling long distances.
More Information
We recommend checking with venues before travelling long distances. If you haven't found the concert you're looking for here, why not try some of the other listings sites on the internet? You can find international concerts advertised online at Organ Focus, and London concerts are advertised by the comprehensive London Organ Concerts Guide. Many UK concerts are also advertised at, which lists by date, venue, and organist. We have no affiliation with any of these sites, but we hope they are of help.
Inclusion of UK concerts and events in our listings here is free. Please send details by email to Remember to include the date, time, player and location. Contact details (telephone recommended), brief programme notes and web links are also welcome.
You can also reach the many thousands of subscribers to our print edition. For your concert or series to really stand out, why not book an advert? For more details on adverts large and small, both in our print edition and on the website, see our advertising web page. As we are the only UK organ journal with significant coverage of concerts, our advertising slots are often full well before the copy date, so do make sure you let us know in plenty of time - copy dates can be found on our Contact Us page.