The Organ

Policy Statement

The Organ's policy statement was passed at a board meeting of Musical Opinion on the 17th of September 2003. It seeks to underline our commitment to live organ music and discursive coverage of all aspects of organ music and building, particularly taking into account the technical and social changes over recent years.

The Organ seeks to promote excellence in organ building, musical composition and performance, whenever and wherever it is to be found today, giving due consideration to the realities of a global market and the ease of global communications.

The Organ is aware of the many changes which have taken place over the last century and the continuing innovation in the design of instruments. It seeks to reflect as broadly as possible these changes through discursive features and discussion.

The Organ is concerned to promote live organ music. It does so through the regular reporting of live events where live organ music can be heard or where the organ is a part of a series of performances or events.

The Organ seeks to promote an understanding of the context within which the instrument is used and heard today, through the reporting of Festivals and Competitions.

The Organ is particularly interested in the art of improvisation and seeks to promote this by its support of and continuing reporting of live improvisation. It is also concerned to highlight links between the art of organ improvisation and the wider field of musical improvisation.

The Organ is concerned to promote young performers and is involved in regular sponsorship of young organists. This is presently demonstrated in the close link which has been forged with the Royal College of Organists in sponsoring and promoting the Young Organist Recitals at the Three Choirs Festival.

The Organ is concerned to promote new music by reviewing new publications, first performances and new commissions.

The Organ is concerned to promote an understanding of the history of the organ both as an individual instrument and as a part of the musical life within specific social environments. It encourages discursive articles on individual instruments, composers, performers and events.

The Organ is concerned to set the organ, organ music, composers and performers within the broader field of live music and related arts both currently and historically.

The Organ seeks to report on recorded solo organ music and other recordings which will reflect the broader aims of the magazine to set recordings within the context of recorded music as a whole and the tastes and experience of the listening public.

The Organ seeks to act as a meeting place for differing views on all matters related to the world of organ music, but does not seek to take sides or to promote any particular faction, either national or international.