This is an archive of news articles from February 2006. Current news articles can be found here and an archive index can be found here. Information in this archive may no longer be valid.
The Early English Organ Project comes to Truro
The two organs of the Early English Organ Project have arrive in Truro and will remain there until April 20th. Events still to come include an Open Morning on Saturday 11th February (10.30-1pm) when guests can play the organs, and a five organ recital (together with all the Cathedral Organs) on Friday 17th March at 1.10pm. Margaret Phillips, RCM Professor of Organ gives a masterclass on Friday 31st March at 1.10pm, and the EEOP visit concludes with a recital on Easter Monday (17th April) at 3pm. For more information visit the cathedral website
- Forthcoming London concerts
We've been asked to highlight two forthcoming London concerts. On the 10th of February at 6:30pm, Colm Carey is conducting the HM Tower of London Choir in a concert of music tracing the political and religious tensions before and after the 1605 Gunpowder Plot. The Tower of London is an appropriate venue, as it is there that Guy Fawkes and his fellow gunpowder plotters were imprisoned, interrogated and tortured. The programme includes William Byrd's Mass for 4 Voices and music by Thomas Tallis and Thomas Weelkes. Tickets cost 10, in advance from 0870 756 7070 or in person at the Tower of London ticket kiosks on Tower Hill.
On the other side of the Thames, Margaret Phillips offers concert-goers a rare opportunity to hear the Flentrop organ of the Queen Elizabeth II Hall on March 25th at 1pm. Patrick Russell and the members of the London Oratory Choir join her in a selection of JS Bach's Leipzig Organ Chorales, each one being preceded by a singing of the original chorale upon which Bach's works are based. Tickets cost 10 (5 concessions), and are available from the RFH box office either online or by
telephone on 08703 800400. This and many other concerts across the UK are advertised in our concert diary.
- News from UK organbuilders
Twyford Parish Church, Hampshire is replacing its much altered Walker with a new organ by Harrison & Harrison, incorporating both the surviving Walker pipework and the 1878 Alfred Waterhouse case. The new specification is based on Walker's suggestion for the enlarged 1878 church, and details of the whole project have been made available on a special website.
Meanwhile work is progressing in the Tickell workshop on their new three manual organ for the Cheltenham Ladies' College, which is due to be installed later this year. More details on their website.
- News from US organbuilders
Quimby Pipe Organs have dismantled the olian-Skinner organ of St John the Divine, New York to commence restoration following smoke damage. Completion is scheduled for Advent 2008, almost exactly seven years after fire destroyed the gift shop wing of the cathedral. Their website currently shows some interesting views of the organ chamber made possible by removal of the organ mechanism. Taylor and Boody have a new website including a complete illustrated opus list. Opus 46 is currently under assembly in Hebron Presbyterian Church, only a stone's throw from their factory in Staunton, Virginia. And CB Fisk have recently completed their Opus 132 at Kobe International University, Japan. More details on their website.
Several US organbuilders have recently been giving their labour free of charge in an effort to bring back to life the only unaltered 19th century concert hall organ in the United States. The organ in question is the 1882/1890 Odell in the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, New York. The intention is to have it playable for the forthcoming OHS convention. You can read more about the organ here, and the restoration effort here.
- Louis Vierne symposium in New York
Readers in the US may be interested in a symposium on the life and music of Louis Vierne at the Brick Church (home of a new four manual Casavant), which runs over the weekend of the 19th and 20th of February. A number of noted recitalists and lecturers are attending, and more details can be found on the New York AGO chapter website.
- A Virtual Concert Organ
Audio Impressions have launched their first 192 kHz sample library with the Concert Organ Workstation, premiered at NAMM 2006. In a complete configuration, a virtual organ can be created with multiple real manuals, Dolby 7.1 surround sound and two touch screen flat displays with virtual drawstops. It won't run on an ordinary PC though - currently eight top-spec machines are needed! More details on the Audio Impressions website.