The Organ

Colin Hand: Trilogy for Organ

Colin Hand: Trilogy for Organ. Animus

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Colin Hand's compositions for recorder have achieved wide recognition and are well known through the Associated Board exam syllabuses. He has also produced an extensive list of arrangements for organ and his familiarity with the instrument is clear from this piece. Trilogy for Organ uses the instrument's resources in an impressive manner and it is perhaps worth noting at the outset that for the piece to be played to full effect will demand a well specified organ; contrary to the publisher's note at the beginning, it is doubtful whether it would transfer to an instrument of two manuals with ease unless a full battery of general pistons and memory were available, those and a good solo tromba or tuba. There are five movements - all relatively short: maestoso, con moto, allegretto, moderato espressivo, and marziale. The opening movement is almost heroic in concept and sets the tone for the remainder where interesting and effective use is made of ground basses together with an appropriate and individualistic triplet motif first given out in the opening maestoso and then reintroduced in the closing marziale. The whole is pervaded by a bittersweet irony and would repay close attention to the many rhetorical flourishes. Altogether, very approachable music, well organized and with good recital potential. Players will need to be at least diploma standard and with a resourceful instrument at their disposal.