The Organ

Peter Aston: St Andrew's Service: Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in B flat

Peter Aston: St Andrew's Service: Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in B flat. SATB and organ. Encore


Among the interesting features of this work is the opening marking, affetuoso, which lasts throughout the Magnificat, after which the Gloria is slower! Affetuoso here embraces not only Mary's gentle and loving rejoicing, but also God showing the strength of his arm. The Nunc dimittis is beautifully atmospheric with its little solo organ interjections. I feel a little like the child at her new school, because in this piece feeling is allowed! The choir is given plenty to do, with a variety of sustained legato singing, and some trumpet-like gestures in the expected places. Certainty of both intonation and rhythm is essential.