The Organ

Current Issue

August 2010 (Number 353)

Issue 353 includes features on:
  • The Organ of Gloucester Cathedral
  • Concealed Within? Liturgical Organ Music in the Selosse Manuscript
  • The Sleeping Beauty Awakes!
  • Sorabji’s Second Organ Symphony played at last: Kevin Bowyer’s nine-hour marathon
  • Reg Elson
  • Dutch Organ Tours - Organ tour to Groningen 2010
as well as lots of news from the UK and abroad, reviews of choral and organ CDs, books, concerts, new organ music, new installations, letters, and more. To subscribe, or receive a complimentary copy if you're new to The Organ, visit our subscriptions page.

For previous editions of The Organ, see our index of back issues.

organ magazine