May 2005 (Number 332) includes features on:
Star Organ - Andrew Hayden describes the organ of The Cross of the Holy Angels, Hoar Cross, Staffordshire with its fine Bodley/Sutton case. Web link: Hoar Cross.
- The Organ Music of William Grant Still - Lucius R Weathersby introduces a recently published edition of music by the "dean of African-American Composers".
- John Boersma expands on his previous article with discussion on a Pedal Keyboard for a Chest Organ.
- Marshall Yaeger gives his opinions on musical controversies through the ages.
- San Diego - Brian Hick visits three different American organs. Web links:
All Souls' Episcopal Church,
First United Methodist Church,
St Paul's Cathedral.
- Naji Hakim at Selwyn College - Alastair Disley describes the new organ and its inaugural recital.
- Improvisation - John Riley introduces the topic with some musical examples and helpful hints.
- The Organs of Stockholm - Alastair Disley continues his series exploring Stockholm's organs with the instruments of Norrmalm. More information can be found in our Web Articles section.
James Vivian (pictured right) describes his experiences as the organist of the Temple Church, London.
as well news from the UK and abroad, reviews of choral and organ CDs, details of the new Makin installation in Inverness Cathedral, books, DVDs, concerts, new organ music, letters, classified ads, and more. Please note that due to technical difficulties (otherwise known as forgetting to send them to the web editor) several reviews advertised in the magazine as on our website are not yet, but will be soon. To subscribe, or receive a complimentary copy if you're new to The Organ, visit our
subscriptions page.