The Organ


Fabio Bonizzoni plays the organ in the Chiesa della Badia, Petralia Sottana, Sicily and a harpsichord by Damm in Lugano, Switzerland
Glossa GCD 921506

The instruments in use are a harpsichord by Nikolaus Damm (1995) after Trasuntino and the organ is a meantone instrument by Baldassarre Di Paola and Ignazio Faraci (1751) incorporating some older components. In modern times it was restored in 1995. The disc comprises nine items for harpsichord and five for organ.

Bernardo Storace was Vice-Kapellmeister in Messina on the island of Sicily. We know very little about his background and life. Stefano Russomanno provides a very interesting note on the composer and his music. Fabio Bonizzoni refers to the influence of Frescobaldi and Storace’s love of building pieces upon ostinati. The five organ pieces show-off the instrument wonderfully well: the singing single Principale; the Voce Umana; Cornetto; or 6 rank Ripieno chorus, for instance. The meantone temperament highlights the chromaticism of the Recercar di legature. The Pastorale at 11 minutes duration is the longest item and incorporates a tonic pedal throughout the entire piece. The playing is convincing and stylish.

The nine harpsichord items are in a variety of forms including a dramatic Ciaccona, lyrical Romanesca and grand Ballo della Battaglia. The CD leaflet includes images of the title page, table of contents and manuscript examples. This music is worth hearing.