The Organ

Sounds Artistic: David Briggs at Blackburn Cathedral

Lammas LAMM 153D

Following the restoration and enlargement of the 1969 JW Walker by Wood of Huddersfield, David Briggs gave the opening recital on 6 July 2002. Within a year, the organ now being fully "run-in", the first CD has been recorded by Lammas with David Briggs as soloist. Now renowned as a world class recitalist, his stunning performance of an organ version of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition proves beyond doubt his pre-eminence as an interpreter of the most difficult organ arrangements in existence - and lasting almost forty minutes without a break.

In addition, we hear Vierne's Cathdrales (Pice de Fantaisie) a highly reflective composition and one particularly suited to the French Symphonic character of this particular organ.

Pierre Cochereau's improvisation in the form of a Suite de Danses Improvises of 29 May 1974 consists of six movements transcribed by David Briggs and, having taken forty hours to achieve this, it comes as no surprise that his performance of it is note perfect. Of all the available CDs on the market I suggest that this is one that you must buy, and I for one intend regularly to listen to it for the rest of my life. DRC