The Organ

Roger Fisher: Organ Music from Chichester Cathedral

Amphion PHI CD 190
71' 58"

This programme is something of a mixed bag: several works of JS Bach, a piece of Harvey Grace and the Seventh Sonata of Rheinberger. The Rheinberger comes over most successfully - strong, committed playing with plenty of drive on the one hand and sensitivity on the other. The organ sounds well. The Lament by Grace is musically less interesting, presumably included because the composer was organist in Chichester for a time in the 1930s. On occasion the organ sounds a little bland for the Bach items included. Tempi tend to the extremes. The playing is assured but sometimes a little 'straight.' I find some of the interpretations rather careful, and some of the ornaments fall before rather than on the beat. Excessive rallentandi spoil the end of one or two pieces. The booklet contains the usual items. GMS