The Organ

Baroque Organ Music from Northern Germany - Mario Hospach-Martini

Grote Kerk in Leeuwarden
Arte Nove Classics 74321 920442 2

The Christian Mller organ, built between 1724 - 27, in the Grote Kerk in Leeuwarden was modified in the prevailing fashions during the 19th and 20th centuries, and in 1972 was restored to the original form. Even the tuning, which is a semi-tone higher than today's normal. The glorious tones of the 38 stops on this organ are matched by the well-nigh perfect acoustic, giving a fantastic clarity throughout.

Mario Hospach-Martini, born in 1971, has given recitals in Germany, Italy, Canada and here in Westminster Abbey. He specialises in the Baroque organ repertoire of North Germany and on this CD plays works by Weckmann, Buxtehude, Scheidermann and Reincken. A splendid recording, highly recommended and at budget price too!

Let us hope and pray that 276 years hence, future organ enthusiasts will hear these sounds in person (not on record) and appreciate the music of the Baroque era on this lovely Christian Mller organ. DRC